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Picture Wall - 311 pics
GitHub - hendricius/the-sourdough-framework: Open source book dedicated to helping you to make the best possible sourdough bread at home.
The Sourdough Framework
:: OSEL.CZ :: - Aztécká píšťala smrti reálně děsí mozek posluchačů
Interakce grepové šťávy s léčivy - Časopis Vesmír
Meshtastic: otevřená meshová síť s dlouhým dosahem pro každého - Root.cz
Kdy už mají lékaři říct, že stačilo? Přestat léčit, zachraňovat – a nechat vás pokojně zemřít? • RESPEKT
BarBox | Jukebox nové generace
Turning Baker’s Yeast Into a Disease Sensor - The Atlantic
Multispectral Imaging and the Voynich Manuscript | Manuscript Road Trip
Inside the guidance system and computer of the Minuteman III nuclear missile
Tulip Creative Computer. Now available.
Convergence Jukebox | A Python Based Open Source Jukebox For Customization
GitHub - MiczFlor/RPi-Jukebox-RFID: A Raspberry Pi jukebox, playing local music, podcasts, web radio and streams triggered by RFID cards, web app or home automation. All plug and play via USB. GPIO scripts available.
Destilace od A do Z |
Destilace bylinek
Public Access – recenze analogového hororu, jaký nemá obdoby | ZeStolu.cz
Online Rubik's Cube Solver
Libre Arts - Revolutionizing garment-making in Italy with Valentina
Looking For The Best Pizza In The World? - 34 Different Pizza Types
Neexistuje dítě, kterému by hostitelská péče neprospěla • RESPEKT
Zoom P4 PodTrak - ZOOM Europe
Polycam - LiDAR & 3D Scanner for iPhone & Android
Improbotics – Theatre lab and AI improv pioneers
PanoCamAdder(+) - DerMische
Můj druhý mozek Zettelkasten - Jiří Benedikt
GitHub - lightszentip/giftlist: Eine Geschenkliste / a Presentlist / ein Wunschzettel
Flashlight Review: Ants On A Melon RGB Critter 2.0
Když jsi nejchytřejší v místnosti, jsi tam špatně, radí Michal Ďuriník - CzechCrunch
Behringer EDGE: A percussion synth companion for your CRAVE - gearnews.com
Behringer 2022: Every synth, drum machine and controller Behringer is working on
Story Games ― Perchance Generator
EricaSynths - mki x es.EDU DIY System
Hannu Huhtamo • Light Painter by night, photographer by day
pixelstick - VALOPAJA
GitHub - fablab-luenen/McLighting: The ESP8266 based multi-client lighting gadget
How to Build a DIY Double Water Drip System for High Speed Photos | PetaPixel
GitHub - ericgu/Fade
Visual poi ZONE
The Beginner’s Guide to the Art of Light Painting | Photocrowd Photography Blog
How To Deploy WordPress Plugins With GitHub Using Transients — Smashing Magazine
You CAN Meditate With Aphantasia
- www.slouflou.cz
Fyzikální tabulky dobré čokolády | Matfyz.cz
ProjectSend - Share files with your clients from your own server. Open source, free software.
VIOSO Warping and Blending Solutions - VIOSO
GitHub - mrWheel/YAPP_Box: Yet Another Parametric Projectbox Box
Shoe Last Maker Plugin - Shoe Last Maker
Spring Has Sprung – Schacht Spindle Company
Home Assistant
Shutdown, backup then start VM via script - Veeam R&D Forums
GitHub - 400plus/400plus: Main repository for the 400plus project
Jak na to? Nová technika galvanoplastika - electroforming - YouTube
BackyardEOS 3.1 Trial Edition [OTL-BYE-T] - BackyardEOS - O'Telescope
Chocolate brownie
This crazy light painted silhouette was shot in just a single long exposure - DIY Photography
GitHub - antimodular/Best-practices-for-conservation-of-media-art: Best practices for conservation of media art from an artist’s perspective
Next.js by Vercel - The React Framework
GitHub - leanote/leanote: Not Just A Notepad! (golang + mongodb) http://leanote.org
Crowd Sale: The Highwire Deck
Sound Show by Impronivers
FontBase — a Free, Beautiful, and Fast Font Manager
Vít Endler, finGOOD: Půlmilionová investice se díky složenému úročení může už za rok vrátit zpět - Měšec.cz
Snížit sazbu za vraždu se může vyplatit, výše trestu neodrazuje, říká oceněný vědec - Aktuálně.cz
Neural Networks Emulate Any Guitar Pedal For $120 | Hackaday
Nechte lidi, ať si udělají vlastní názor! – Deník N
Do I have Aphantasia? (Tests & Ask Here) | FAQ | Additional Resources : Aphantasia
The Most Accurate Flat Map of Earth Yet - Scientific American
Psychoterapie & mindfulness - Mgr. Anna Reichová
Seven Ways to end a Song in Musical Improv - The Maydays
Image Classification for Playing Cards | by Arjun Rohlfing-Das | The Startup | Medium
iSpy: Open Source Camera Security Software
GPT-3 A Hitchhiker's Guide
Reverse Engineering the source code of the BioNTech/Pfizer SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine - Articles
Jennifer's Obsession With Puppets - The Maydays
Mezzotinta – Wikipedie
Pi Presents | A Multi-media Toolkit for Museums, Visitor Centres and more running on the Raspberry Pi
Museum in a Box – A small, friendly device you put museum objects on to hear their stories… It's history that speaks for itself!
Home - AutoIt
Merge Multiple PDF Pages to One Page Online Free
Izraelští vědci vyzráli na přírodu. Přišli na to, jak zvrátit proces stárnutí - Echo24.cz
NASA se po dlouhých měsících spojila se sondou Voyager 2. Dnes je 18 miliard kilometrů daleko – VTM.cz
Ultrasonically detect bats with Raspberry Pi - Raspberry Pi
A Time and A Place - from Showstopper 871, A Womb With a View - YouTube
13 Things – a (Musical) Long Form Improv Format – Tom's Improv Pages
La La Land's Choreographer Explains the Freeway Dance Scene | Vanity Fair - YouTube
Simple setup for linux by fejese · Pull Request #4 · arvoelke/Dixit · GitHub
Overleaf, Online LaTeX Editor
GitHub - alicevision/meshroom: 3D Reconstruction Software
Everything You Need to Know About iRacing
Digladior | Škola šermu
Machine learning helps geoboffins spot huge beds of hot rocks 1,000km across deep below Earth's surface • The Register
Cisco Command Cheat Sheet | Cisco vs Juniper vs Nokia vs Huawei
Zabbix, PostgreSQL a table partitioning | Disassembler
Prvorepubliková rouška – Caramilla.cz
Jak jsme za pár hodin vytvořili v cloudu microsite o koronaviru - Zdroják
How I made my own DIY "Pixelstick" for $22 - DIY Photography
Volumetric 3D Printing Is Far More Complex Than You Imagine
How Facebook uses machine learning to detect fake accounts - MIT Technology Review
Intelligent Bat Detector | Hackaday.io
Inkscape to OpenSCAD converter v6 by dnewman - Thingiverse
Tarantino: an improv metaphor – The Nursery Theatre
GitHub - paperManu/splash: Mirror - Modular video-mapping software
GitHub - reven/Light-painter: An Arduino sketch to drive a LED stip to display bitmaps as POV images for photography
GitHub - TheMasterFX/LED-Lightpainter: A DIY Pixelstick clone using the ESP8266 and a WS2812 Strip (Neopixel)
GitHub - letscontrolit/ESPEasy: Easy MultiSensor device based on ESP8266
Cleanup Windows 10 Powershell script · GitHub
About project - visar78
I’m Honestly Fed Up With All The Bad News, So I Illustrated 50 Of The Best Ones From 2019 | Bored Panda
Jacques Torres si navrhnul čokoládové formy pomocí 3D tiskárny – Insight
How to build a local improv community, based on a Polish festival. « Różalska
Cool tools for analysis with public transit data
Summary of Solutions by Overall Rank | Drawdown
How to paint a Harry Potter book cover | Creative Bloq
The Useful RaspberryPi Cross Compile Guide - Alex C.U. - Medium
AI Weirdness
How To Make Custom AI-Generated Text With GPT-2 | Max Woolf's Blog
My Chocolate Toolbox | 5 Important Tools For Making Pralines
Input Club - Programmable Mechanical Keyboards
Automated Dice Tester Uses Machine Vision To Ensure A Fair Game | Hackaday
3d design - How do I 3D-print fair dice? - 3D Printing Stack Exchange
Lifehacker: Tarek Loubani on 3D-Printing in Gaza
The Tinder algorithm, explained - Vox
Hot Sex With Food Ideas For Foreplay & Kinky Seduction
3d printing – body interaction
The 7 Ways 3-D Printing Is Going to Change How You Have Sex
Why Can’t I Spot Four-Leaf Clovers? - The New York Times
7 Experimental Pralines: Which one would you go for? | Belgian Smaak
30 Best Sex Games for Couples - Kinky Ideas to Try in Bed
Video přehlídka padouchů
7 typů padouchů
Sound for free
Secret Cameras Record Baltimore’s Every Move From Above
Speechnotes | Speech to Text Online Notepad
C is for Cthulhu: terrorize your kids and teach the alphabet with these Lovecraftian nursery rhymes - Vox
A Beginner's Guide to Making Your Own Fonts
creating a TrueType font from your handwriting with your scanner, your printer, and FontForge | We Saw a Chicken …
What Cards Against Humanity Reveals About You -- Science of Us
Building an Artificial Improvisor | Kory Mathewson
Radio Ivo život nedocení? | Kultura
Being in Two Cults: What Can Improv Learn from Larp? — Medium?log=out
Tipy jak usínat• RESPEKT
2015 – An Improvised Year In Review | LowerTheTone.com
Každý člověk na planetě je vaším bratrancem • RESPEKT
The Ultimate Guide for Becoming an Idea Machine - Altucher Confidential
TEDxVictoria - Dave Morris: The Way of Improvisation - YouTube
Improvised musicals require quick thinking backstage, too | Features | The Stage
Sometimes you need to go outside of improv to get better
8 Things This Girl Learned in Texas - Katy Schutte
Chůze po ohni • RESPEKT
What’s Behind Stagefright? - The New Yorker
The Last Day of Her Life - NYTimes.com
Superpočítač Watson napsal vlastní kuchařku! Vyzkoušejte kognitivní vaření | cdr.cz
How Humans Are Teaching Computers To See and Understand Photos
Hypnóza pomáhá lékařům i zločincům - Vitalia.cz
To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This - NYTimes.com
Designing The Best Board Game On The Planet | FiveThirtyEight
Musical Improv Games - Open Your Mouth and Sing
4 books for improvisers
5 Ridiculous Myths Everyone Believes About the Wild West | Cracked.com
How To Create The Droste Effect And Mesmerizing Animated Gifs - DIY Photography
Open Your Mouth and Sing
Drawing Robot AFRON 2013 Design Challenge Entry | PlotterBot
An Actor's Guide to Crying and Tears
Hard to Fake? Tears on Stage | Arnie Wilson
Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work | Talk Video | TED.com
Welcome to Attic — Attic - Deduplicating Archiver 0.12 documentation
Tagxedo - Creator
The Gods and Goddesses - Philippines Mythology and Folklore
Vaškův tyrkišový blogísek
Openings: The Good, The Bad & The Funny | People and Chairs
Guest Post: 12 Tips for Festival Organizers by Amy Shostak | People and Chairs
Enjoy The Silence: Improvising Without Dialogue (Part Two) | People and Chairs
Somebody Edit This, Please | People and Chairs
People and Chairs
jcupitt/tilesrv · GitHub
TJ Jagodowski and David Pasquesi, Improv Artists - NYTimes.com
Improv Encyclopedia
The Axis of Awesome – 4 Chords Song - VideaČesky.cz z kategorie Legendární videa
Wine-tasting: it's junk science | Life and style | The Observer
Redo Backup Download
Muzikál Farma zvířat - 1997 - YouTube
Photo Editing Service | Photo Retouching Services | Edit Photos Online
Zeleninový vývar | Cuketka
Představení Code.org - výuka programování pro každého, zdarma a online | CDR
Creating 3D Portraits Using an Array of Digital Cameras
Nauč se. Nauč mě. Naučme se! | Naučmese.cz
Věříte pevnému disku svého počítače? Po přečtení tohoto článku nejspíš přestanete | tech.ihned.cz - Geekosféra
The Secret History of Improvisation in World War II | The Creativity Post
Tiny Cameras Mounted to Birds Capture What Life is Like With Wings
Linux users: watch out for last-gen Intel Atom — Gist
Stop Motion Capture | Free software downloads at SourceForge.net
HDR Workflows | Blogarithms
Evropský vyhledávač letenek nízkonákladových leteckých společností.
Museum of London Releases Augmented Reality App for Historical Photos
Are TextMate and Coda Yesterday’s Editors? | Nettuts+
The Coolpix S800 will be the first Android based camera from Nikon | Nikon Rumors
Polaroid Unveils New Android-Powered Camera That Looks Like a Phone
A Nifty Panoramic Pinhole Camera Made with LEGO Blocks
Zbraň vyrobená na 3D tiskárně, čeká nás tisk drog a léků? | CDR
A Ceramic Pinhole Camera That Looks Like an Old School Diving Suit
MapTiler - Map Tile Cutter. Overlay Generator for Google Maps, Google Earth (KML SuperOverlay).
TuristickaMapa.sk – turistická mapa Slovenska
gskinner.com: gBlog: Flash 8: Webcam Fire
FreeJ :: Free Vision Mixer :: dyne.org
Webcam Toy
L'essentiel Online - Le tire-bouchon le plus élaboré du monde… - Vidéo
Improvizace jako sportovní zápas. To je Improtřesk — Kultura — ČT24 — Česká televize
Basic version - PDF Split and Merge
Jak nainstalovat GIT na zařízení NAS D-Link DNS-323 | honza.info
Join the Fitocracy
Remember everything with Evernote, Skitch and our other great apps. | Evernote
Voice to Text Applications Powered by Intelligent Voice Recognition | Vlingo
Graf vás zná lépe než vy sami | magazín Psychologie.cz [Úspěch: mozek, technologie, time management, úspěch, práce]
Ken Shirriff's blog: A Multi-Protocol Infrared Remote Library for the Arduino
Petr Voříšek: O Šumavě trochu jinak aneb Není vědec jako vědec - Ekolist.cz
S čistým stolem... - Zdroják
» Hra: From Dust - Tomas M
Hesla na jedno použití - Lupa.cz
Arduino – 3chanel IR remote control from mini helicopter – processing « Robotics / Electronics / Physical Computing
Flash Panorama Player and QTVR Converter - Pano2VR - Garden Gnome Software
Amazing Pop Up Card Tutorial - YouTube
How to Make Ginger Ale - wikiHow
Choosing Tethered Shooting Software for Nikon DSLR Cameras | The Photo Geek
The magic button
The Code 42 CrashPlan Blog
Darktable: Adobe Lightroom v bezplatném vydání - Root.cz
Bread Making Videos — Bread Baking Instructional Videos and Baking Supplies.
Český chleba | Cuketka
How to Make Elderflower Cordial: 7 steps (with video) - wikiHow
ProjectProto: Android Bluetooth Oscilloscope
Radarový hladinoměr pracující na frekvenci 78 GHz
Polar WearLink Transmitter With Bluetooth - Accessories - Products - Polar Electro - USA
Hůůů, hůůů! Japonský čaj: 1.12 Bq 137Cs /kg « VÚČAKO
Smutná čísla o smrti hudebního průmyslu - Lupa.cz
Wordpress vs Drupal | The Bivings Report
YouTube - SPIN
GoPano micro: fantastické 360° video v mobilu | Apple iPhone - iPhonemania.cz
Jan Krůta » Existuje ještě něco jako HANBA?
“This Lens is Soft”…. « Canon Rumors
Human Mirror | Improv Everywhere
Olovo je všude. Na Příbramsku uděláte z jehličí brok do pušky - www.lidovky.cz
HMC5843 Magnetometer Library for Arduino | eclecticc
Martin Malý: WYSIWYG musí zemřít!
YouTube - How Lord of The Rings Should Have Ended
YouTube - Gandalf Goes to the World Cup
Jak si nenechat zaříznout dobrý nápad? - Zdroják
Shapeways | Passionate about creating
YouTube - How to make an origami squirrel 1/2
Myšlenkové mapy v Linuxu - Root.cz
YouTube - Lego Antikythera Mechanism
Minority Report 2.0 nastupuje? - Lupa.cz
How to add new subtitles to an existing DVD
How to add your own subtitle to DVD (keep menu, multi-pgc)
How to backup and add new subtitles to a DVD
Replacing only a few of the subtitles
USB token: pamatuje si hesla a šifruje. Útok zabere dvě a půl minuty - LUPA
Low-tech Magazine: Download, print, fold, paste
Scrap to power the DIY way: Make a coke can Stirling engine plans
Wallace & Gromit: Sprocket Rocket on Kongregate
The Beauty Of Typography: Writing Systems And Calligraphy Of The World - Smashing Magazine
OpenSCAD - The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller
Complete Workflow, Storage & BackUp for Photography + Video | Chase Jarvis Blog
Pantoscopic Precision Panoramic Tripod Head Weifeng (EI-900H) et 2 chats / and 2 cats on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Po škole 2010
YouTube - Tanumadorants.mpg
Paper prototyping - a set on Flickr
František Janouch » Leksellův gama nůž po patnácti letech
Bracketing/# of Images « Before the Coffee
Zapomeňte na espresso | Cuketka.cz
Deep in IT - Raw Therapee pod GPL, verze 3.0 v přípravě - Informace ze světa počítačů o hardware, software, Internetu atd.
YouTube - We Love xkcd
Kynuté slané tyčinky - recept na Vareni.cz
setup 9894 photo - fotoopa photos at pbase.com
Sklípek VAŠE VÍNO - www.vasevino.cz
Po drátě
V ledové Vltavě se fotí nejlépe. Podívejte se na první fotografie Juditina mostu - iDNES.cz
YouTube - Lassie se vrací
Rozdělení příjmů v hudebním průmyslu aneb najděte piráty * MedvídekPů * POOH.CZ *
Bitva o modrou aneb role barev na trhu značek. * MedvídekPů * POOH.CZ *
Buzzword bingo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
KRUH - Dětský oddíl
YouTube - Pan/Tilt 2.0 test 10
Play Little Wheel, a free online game on Kongregate
Rigs of Rods: jeďte, plujte nebo leťte realistickou fyzikou - Root.cz
I Love xkcd on Vimeo
Looking For My Leopard - rathergood.com
Pain à l’ancienne | Cuketka.cz
Datové schránky: začíná čištění dat - LUPA
Výroba sýra v malé městské kuchyni | Cuketka.cz
Šokující knedlíky z mikrovlnky podle kněžny Libuše | Cuketka.cz
Beginner’s Guide to Running | Zen Habits
» Tři mocné chvaty počítačové sebeobrany pro začátečníky - Martin Hassman: blog nejen o prohlížečích
Last.fm - Discover new music with free internet radio and the largest ...
Leaves Recognition - a leaf image recognition based on a neuronal network
LEONARD COHEN - Closing Time
Project MaxiPano Pinhole 120 - a photoset on Flickr
PhotoRec - CGSecurity
F Minus Comics
Svět hardware - Návrh pasivního chladiče (výměníku) pro PC
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